Sunday, August 19, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Malare Mounama

Vedham -Malai Kaatru .flv

The Beautiful Eyes

Sometimes ...
We Hate Our Eyes
It Is The 0nly Part 0f
Our Face That Cannot
...... Hide Emotions ...

Friday, August 17, 2012

En Kadhal Neethane

Samikita Solliputen - Dass


அழகின் கவர்ச்சியின்றி
பார்வையின் மோதலின்றி
எனக்கும் அவனுக்கம்
ஏற்பட்ட காதல்
சொல்ல முடியா கதைசொல்ல
என் உணர்வில் கலந்திட்
அவன் வசம் என்னை
காலமுழுக்க சுவாசிக்க

Thursday, August 16, 2012



தாழ்ந்த விழி
தரை நோக்க
தனித்தியங்கும் நெஞ்சம்
வானவில் பார்க்கும்

பூ விதழ்
புன்னகை வீச
பூகம்பம் வெடிக்கும்

உண்மை காதல்
முழுமையை இருந்தால்


கட்டில் தாண்டியும்
கரம் சேரும்

காலம் கடந்து
காலன் வென்றாலும்

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Some day

                                                                Someday i ll be gone.....
                                                  and there would be no reason for me to stay....
                                                                 words left unspoken,
                                                                 actions not expressed,
                                                                    but u know what?
                                                                ill never forget how u once...
                                                                made my life more meaningfull.

Till now my love

I remember like it was yesterday, the day I first saw your face.

I remember your smile so vividly, your patience and your grace.

But little did I know. I could not comprehend,that you would touch

my life so much by becoming my beautiful memory

Your hand embraced with mine, the star lit sky did see How,

although my chest was pounding, I dropped down to one knee.

I didn't think my heart had room, for my love to grow

There's just no way to love you more, but how little did I know


Mazhaiye Vann Mazhaiye With Lyrics

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tears are the words to express love: The pain of missing

Tears are the words to express love: The pain of missing: The pain of missing a lovable person  is like a baby's cry... ♥ It knows for what it cries but doesn't know to express it in...

maratha ninaivugal

மௌனமான நினைவுகள் 

உலகமே இருட்டில் இருந்தாலும்
உன் அன்பு எனக்கு "வெளிச்சம் "

நீ மறந்தாலும் என் நினைவுகள்
என்றும் "தொடரும் "

நீ வெறுக்கும் வரை அல்ல
இந்த "உலகம்" இருக்கும் வரை..

<3 br="br">

அகம் பார்த்து வந்த காதலை
அலையவிட்டு போக நினைக்கிறாயே
அலைந்து நான் திரிந்தாலும் என்
ஆயுள் அடங்கிடும் வரை உனை
அன்பால் நான் சுமப்பேன்

<3 p="p">
 கண்ணோடு கலந்து இருந்தால்
கண்ணீரோடு விட்டுருப்பேன்!
என் உயிரோடு கலந்து விட்டாய்
எப்படி விடுவேன்
என் உயிரைப் போன்ற உன்னை!

<3 p="p">
 நிலவு இருக்கும் தூரத்தை விட
நீ இருக்கும் தூரம் குறைவு தான்
நிலவை காண முடிந்த என்னால்
உன்னைக்காண முடியவில்லையே!

<3 p="p">
 உன் மீது வைத்திருந்த அன்பு
உண்மை தான் என்பதை
உன்னை இழந்த ஒவ்வொரு
நொடியும் சொல்கிறது .

<3 br="br">

 நான் கேட்பது
மட்டும் தான்....!!!

 கண் மூடி
கண்ணாடி முன் நின்றாலும்
நம் முகம் மறி போகுமா?
அன்பே நான்
கண் மூடி மறைந்தாலும்
என் காதல் மறைந்து போகுமா?

 நிணையே சரணடைந்த  பின்
 பறிட்சிட்பது ஏன்
  கேள்வியும் நானே பதிலும் நானே   என்று
அறிந்தே பின்
 உனக்கு எப்படி புரியவைப்பது    <3 br="br">

Monday, August 13, 2012


Mano buddhya hankara chittani naham
Na cha shrotra jihve na cha ghrana netre
Na cha vyoma bhumir na tejo na vayuh
Chid ananda rupah shivo’ ham shivo’ ham
I am neither the mind, intellect, ego nor memory,
neither the ears nor the tongue nor the senses of smell and sight,
neither ether, air, fire, water or earth.
I am consciousness and bliss. I am Shiva, I am Shiva.
Na punyam na papam na saukhyam na duhkam
Na mantro na tirtham na veda na yajnah
Aham bhojanam naiva bhojyam na bhokta
Chid ananda rupah shivo’ ham shivo’ ham
I am neither virtue nor vice, neither pleasure nor pain,
neither mantra nor sacred place, neither scripture nor sacrifice.
I am neither the food nor the eater nor the act of eating.
I am consciousness and bliss. I am Shiva, I am Shiva.
Apurvanam param nityam
Svayam jyotir niramayam
Virajam param akasham dhruvam
Ananda mavyayam
I am beyond all things.
I am everlasting, self-luminous,
taintless, and completely pure.
I am immovable, blissful, and imperishable.
Aham nirvi kalpo nira kara rupo
Vibhut va cha sarvatra sarvendri yanam
Na chasan gatam naiva muktir na meyah
Chid ananda rupah shivo’ ham shivo’ ham
I am without thought, without form.
I am all pervasive, I am everywhere, yet I am beyond all senses.
I am neither detachment nor salvation nor anything that could be
I am consciousness and bliss. I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Siva Lingam – Meaning & Definition

Siva Lingam – Meaning & Definition

Love for you

                                                             My love is like an ocean
                                                             It goes down so deep
                                                             My love is like a rose

                                                            Whose beauty you want to keep.
                                                            My love is like a river
                                                            That will never end
                                                            My love is like a dove
                                                            With a beautiful message to send.

                                                            My love is like a song
                                                            That goes on and on forever
                                                            My love is like a prisoner
                                                            It's to you that I surrender.
                                                            If only you could understand it..........

Nilavugal turatta

நிலவுகள் துரத்த நன் நடந்தேன்
உன் நினைவுகள் தடுக்கி நன் விழுந்தேன்
உன்னை அன்றி யாரை நினைப்பேன்
உருகும் உயிரை எங்கு புதைப்பேன்
காலை வந்ததும் களைய
மறுக்கும் என் இனிய கனவே ....

The path of life

With great care and precaution I was made to walk on the road which promised lots of possibilities, hopes and bright future. My every step was diligently monitored by my mom and dad, walking either side of me holding my hands. The road was not exactly well-paved, but the journey didn't seem so difficult, thanks to my parents who helped me to cross the potholes. First few steps were exciting and all I wanted to do was walk even more. Don't remember my legs ever tired or ached. I was soon bored on walking with support, so wriggled my hands to let go from them. But they knew how harsh the roads can be and that I am not old enough to be let by myself.

I observe others who were travelling with us. Some very cheerful and never worry about the destination but just walk where the roads take them to; some very dedicated to their goals, but still have music and games to cheer them up; some go ahead only because they had to and really annoyed by the cheeriness around; and some are even carried by others. Anyway, I was really enjoying this. What a life!! Nothing to complain.

I also noticed few who couldn't walk. They had fully functioning legs and bold figure. But still they didn't want to walk forward. They just sat there by the side of the road, some complaining and some too tired to complain. I didn't understand them. What was there to complain in this wonderful journey? What hadn't they got that I had? They look alright, but just can't step forward. I name them, 'Spoilsports'. They don't know how to lead the journey for themselves, but also kills others' pleasures. In days I detested their inability to try and move forward, hence I avoided them as much as I can.

Years passed and my parents have decided that I was old enough to walk by myself. Though they walk beside me, I was free to take my own steps. I was free to jump or walk or run or stride or waltz, but as long as I was within their sight. The travel was still wonderful. Walking by them, listening to their stories, taking in their advices, commands and how to cross pits, rough rocks on the way. I was now very skilled to walk by myself. Still there were Spoilsports around and they just put me off. All they could do was to complain. They could make any pleasant situation sound worse.

After I became an adult I got tired of the path we were travelling. I have heard enough of my parents' advice and I just can't take it anymore. They still walked beside me monitoring my every moment. One fine day in our journey, we reached crossroad. One was the same usual road which we have travelled so far. My parents turn towards that road, but I stopped short. I looked at the other road. It looked more cleaner, smoother and attractive than the other. I wanted to take that road much to our parents shock. I knew they cannot help me if I ran into any risk. But I didn't care. I wanted to take that road and I prayed them to let me go. With much reluctance finally they agreed and before they know I was already running, running like a wild horse in that new direction.

Oh, the path is nothing like what I have seen before. Its beautiful. It has everything, you just have to look for. Now I don't just walk, I run. I run grabbing everything I can - no matter I need it or not then, but in the hope of I might need one day. Everything around me seemed so fresh and welcoming. I see none of my co-travellers are running, instead they were racing each other. I did the same. I target the person running in front of me, and eventually I win. The euphoria of winning cannot be expressed in words. But that is short lived as soon as I spot some one else in front of me. I wanted to overrun him. The competition never ended, but I was only happy when I reached every milestone. I always had a smile on my face because this is something which I wouldn't have achieved if I would have taken the other road.

Whenever I felt bored I do rest my legs and look around. Apart from all the racers I do see them - Spoilsports. I was surprised. They are here too! Oh how did they come here? Oh why did I stop? I just can't stand their look, their sympathy-needy faces! I wanted to shout, "Hey you! What have you achieved being like this? Just look at me! See how successful I am; look at my achievements! I didn't do all these sitting like you! Have you ever seen me complaining? Get on your feet and start living for God's sake!". But no I didn't say that. I thought better of it. I might as well cover few extra miles if I spare the time talking with them.

I carried on with my journey, day and night, always thinking about the best way to move forward, filling my bag with my earnings. The road seems never ending, and that was what I wanted. As I keep exploring and keep winning, I felt so lighter and most of the time I don't even stop for refreshments. A wonderful life it was. It was, indeed it was, until I had that fall; the fall that I wasn't prepared for; the very first fall I had in my entire life; the fall that I never thought would happen to me. Yes I never thought I would fail!!

I wasn't supposed to fail, was I?. Failures never happen to me. It always happen to someone else, the other girl, my classmate, my neighbor, the co-traveller, some distant relative - but never me. Usually I would be their audience, never was in the receiving end. Winning was all I did, progressing was all I made, achievements were all I faced. I shouldn't fall! Something went wrong somewhere. It's not MY failure, may be one of those Spoilsports; It has been redirected to me by mistake!

I realised I was whining. That's ok. I will dust myself, and if someone helps me to get up I will be on my way again. I looked around and what I saw was people running past me, busily achieving their targets. What? World was going on as usual. Shouldn't they have dropped everything they were doing now that I have fallen ? The cheerful runners didn't look any less cheerful. Shouldn't everybody stop, wait for me to get back on my feet so that we all can resume our journey together? It seemed nobody cared that I was hurt, now that I think about it, why would they? I never stopped for anyone. But it is ME who is hurt and I feel the pain now.

The worst thing about being hurt is that its happening amidst of a cheerful crowd. The upbeat music felt like tearing my eardrums; people's happiness annoys me; their laughs sounds like mocking me. The only people who would stop for me, help me get healed are the ones whom I left at the junction when I chose this road over theirs. I turn back to look at them, Oh I came too far I can't even see where this road begun. Now I realise this is the first time I look back, and I am sure that my parents will be waiting in the same place where I left them, watching this road hoping to see me again.

I still was lying down. I know I was not hurt bad, but the disappointment drank the entire hope and confidence. I can't see the people who I was competing with, they have long gone, and I was still trying to get some help when people who came far behind me passing me without even giving so much as a look at me. I know I can't bear this. I cry out for help. I try to stop some hoping they will lend a hand. But what I got was just a scornful look. Oh I know that look. I know the judgement behind that look. That's the same look I had once on the Spoilsports. Am I one of them now? All my accomplishments mean nothing? This thought ached more than the wound. My own prejudice[on others] now stopped me to face the world. I know how failures are judged, and I don't want to be the object. Whatever I thought about the spoilsports when I was on the high road haunted me back, crushing my confidence. I moved myself toward the side of the road and covered myself with a blanket, which was my safety zone from those invisible judgemental arrows!

I didn't accept help from anyone. Why should I? I was at the top of the world, and just one fall, I have to look for help now? I am not sure whether people are really judging me, I know they are busy with their competition, but still its was my thoughts that killed my peace. I kept fighting with my inner self. After a long time, and after I did embrace the thoughts from others, I did recover and back on the road again. This time as whole different person. I don't call those people who had to face unfortunate incidents in life as SpoilSports. I hate myself and my prejudice for thinking so low of them. I realised they must be happy go lucky person like I was before all these troubles snuck in and that without required support they couldnt fight against or come out of the problems and that my fall was nothing when compared to what they had to deal with everyday! I now help them, I understand how painful it is to wallow in the pit with no one else to help. If I couldn't help I try to listen to their problems, Or at the least NEVER judge them. Because I learnt [through hard way] the next cruel thing to causing people problems is judging them with their troubles. Now that I stopped judging, I don't see/care about the visible-only-to-my-knowledge-judgemental-arrows.

Now my journey took a different pace. I still compete, and try to achieve things. But always keep in mind that I will NOT always succeed, and prepare for failures too. After that first fall, I did fail many times. But no matter how big the fall is, those didnt pain as much as the first-unexpected one. I don't remember the failures all the time, I wont remember the people who looked me down with disdain, I won't even remember the pain all the time. But the lesson I learnt at the stage, stuck with me. It lies in me and I act according to that subconsciously.